Interconnection With 西班牙&E-Owned 电 Transmission Facilities

西班牙&E Transmission-Level Interconnection Handbook

西班牙的&E Transmission-Level Interconnection Handbook is applicable to all generators, 加载, and transmission equipment interconnecting to the 西班牙&E transmission system that are not otherwise subject to 西班牙&E规则21.

It describes technical and operational requirements for wholesale generators, 加载, and transmission equipment connected to the 西班牙&E portion of the ISO Controlled Grid, and as such the handbook may be modified or superseded from time to time.

西班牙&E's standards contained in the Transmission-Level Interconnection Handbook are deemed consistent with Good Utility Practice and Applicable Reliability Standards.  西班牙的&E Transmission-Level Interconnection Handbook includes:

  • Interconnection Process 概述
  • 计量要求
  • Protection and Control Requirements
  • 变电站的需求
  • Transmission Line Requirements
  • General Operating Requirements
  • 操作程序
  • Energization and Synchronization Requirements 
1.61 MB
西班牙&E Transmission-Level Interconnection Handbook
西班牙&E Transmission-Level Interconnection Handbook

Financial Security Instruments


NERC/WECC Reliability Standards

Please be advised that the NERC/WECC mandatory Reliability Standards as applicable to various registered entities are changed/updated from time to time and as such the terms in the latest version would always apply.