Summer Reliability Market Access Program (SRMAP)

Want to conserve energy and help support the electric grid, but not sure where to start? Through variety of projects and equipment, 西班牙&E’s Summer Reliability Market Access Program helps you reduce your electric use and save on your energy bill.


As of 3/31/24, SRMAP is no longer accepting new project applications.  Information on the next iteration of 西班牙&E's Market Access Program and how to participate will be available in the coming months.  Details for the new program will be posted here as soon as they become available.


Qualified aggregators help you find projects and equipment that work for your business type or household lifestyle. From small changes to larger upgrades every little bit helps to reduce the strain on the electrical grid – especially during summer months.

The aggregator may use the SRMAP incentives to reduce the cost, 也许是零, of energy-saving equipment and provide a package of devices to form a project that will enable you to save on your electric bill for years to come. 


住宅 and non-residential customers who meet the following criteria may be eligible for SRMAP.  


  1. 项目地点必须在可持续发展目标&E服务区域. 
  2. 客户有一个活跃的可持续发展目标&E电子帐户. 
  3. Customer has paid the Public Purpose Program surcharge on the account where the energy efficiency (EE) equipment is to be installed. 
  4. Twelve consecutive months of energy usage data is available. 
  5. More than one CPUC ratepayer-funded energy efficiency incentive or rebate program is not covering the same cost of a measure, including but not limited to the Statewide Midstream programs (e.g.(暖通空调及照明).
  6. The project site does not have a change in on-site generation within the previous year. 具体地说, 太阳能的容量, 热能储存, or battery storage systems has not changed in 12 months and does not plan to change for the next 12 months.
  7. Eligibility of projects with new onsite solar or storage systems is being considered. Updates regarding the eligibility of these projects will be posted to this page. 
  8. Customer may not be enrolled in a wholesale Demand Response program under Rule 32. 
  9. Customer sites with more than 1 MW of peak demand consumption will require additional screening to determine eligibility.
  10. Projects must comply with the NMEC Rulebook for permissible projects.  
  11. Projects must be installed no later than March 31, 2024. 
  12. Other requirements as noted in the SRMAP Implementation Plan, including the Program Manual and the M&V计划. 

How Is SRMAP Different from Other 能源效率计划?

SRMAP allows customers to take advantage of equipment and project types that are currently not being offered by 西班牙&E.  


A participating vendor or program partner who works with customers to generate energy efficiency and/or demand savings for a group of customers. Aggregators manage interactions and relationships with the customer from project identification to customer implementation.

Any questions should be directed to the individual aggregators.

Interested in becoming an aggregator? Learn more about SRMAP for aggregators.


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