Easement Quitclaim

If you would like to request that SDG&E quitclaim easement(s) encumbering your property, 您将需要填写我们的退出索赔请求表. 您的申请必须附有以下列出的适当文件和不可退还的申请费. See Quitclaim Request form for current fees. 

Read the Land Use Constraints and FAQS 关于潜在的CPUC章节851 - 857和CPUC部落土地转让政策限制的快速参考指南.  这些代码和政策详细信息的链接可在 Land Services main page. 


Easement Quitclaim

Quitclaim Request Process



If there are existing SDG&E设施在地役权范围内,我们无法处理您的请求,直到SDG等时间&E设施已全部拆除或搬迁. 

If SDG&E can accommodate your request, we will prepare the quitclaim, subject to CPUC approval if applicable. 

If CPUC approval is required, SDG&E将准备并向CPUC提交意见信或申请. Upon CPUC approval, SDG&E can grant the quitclaim. 


Document Submission 

  1. Complete our online Quitclaim Request form below. 
  2. 将填妥的申请表格及下列所有适用文件,交地政总署 [email protected]


Documents List
  • 说明地役权位置及任何现有或拟议可持续发展目标的地图或图则&E facilities
  • Title Report
  • 与你的要求有关的任何其他相关文件
  • Completed Quitclaim Request form
1.82 MB
Quitclaim Request Form
Quitclaim Request Form

Frequently Asked Questions

地役权或通行权是指为某些目的使用他人财产的权利. SDG&E obtains easements on property, owned by others, for the right to install, maintain, 操作和使用我们在该物业的设施, owned by others, for the right to install, maintain, 操作和使用我们在该物业的设施. 地役权可以限制地役权或路权区域内的某些用途, 以维持对可持续发展目标的无障碍访问&E设施,使我们能够维持安全可靠的系统. 地役权或通行权仍然有效,并随物业转移给任何新的业主. 

An SDG&公共设施走廊是一条狭长的土地,形成了可持续发展目标的通道&E安装、操作和维护其地上和地下的天然气和电力设施. An SDG&公用事业走廊可以位于可持续发展目标拥有的土地内&E, or within land owned by another upon which SDG&E has an easement or right-of-way.

当一个人建立或侵入时,就发生了侵占, under, or over the property of another, including within an easement, 未经物业或地役权持有人许可.


任何可能干扰可持续发展目标安全可靠运行的项目或活动&E’s facilities is called an encroachment, 根据地役权的条款,哪些地方是被禁止的, State, and Federal policies. SDG&我们积极执行地役权赋予我们的权利, and protected by these government policies, 确保电力及燃气系统的可靠运作.

物业所有人有责任清除可持续发展目标的所有侵占&E easement, which can include clearing of vegetation, trash, or any other materials that interfere with SDG&E facilities. SDG&E’s easements give us the right, but not the obligation, to trim trees and remove vegetation as needed.  SDG&E可以选择强制执行其地役权,要求由财产所有人承担清理费用.

SDG&E有权为特定目的使用地役权或路权,包括进出其天然气和电力设施进行维护和建设. SDG&E可以执行这些权利和通过政府政策授予的权利, 通过要求由财产所有人承担费用来移除侵占.

At SDG&E, 我们非常小心地保持我们的设施远离任何可能导致安全或可靠性问题的东西.  Uses within an SDG&地役权或通行权通常在范围和类型上都非常有限.   任何类型的使用都需要获得可持续发展目标的书面同意&E以及遵守所有加州公用事业委员会(CPUC)一般命令和OSHA标准. 某些侵犯可能需要CPUC的批准.  If you have an existing project number from SDG&E建设者服务或服务订单团队,您可以提交一个 Encroachment Request for SDG&E to review.

如果您有地役权维护方面的问题,请给SDG发邮件&E Land Services Department at [email protected].

Contact Information

For questions regarding an SDG&E easement or right-of-way

Email the Land Services Department at [email protected] if you have questions regarding a SDG&E easement or right-of-way.

如有一般查询(与土地权利无关),请 contact SDG&E Customer Service at 1-800-411-7343. 

For inquiries regarding vegetation management

Visit our Vegetation Management pages.

Email Vegetation Management at [email protected] or Call (858) 654–8608

Call 811 Before You Dig 

Please call 811 for Dig Alert before you dig. DigAlert必须在挖掘前最少两个工作天,但不超过挖掘开始前14天启用. 如在28天内未完成挖掘,则标出, then DigAlert must be called to mark out again. 标记必须每28天重做一次,直到开挖(挖)完成.  Mark out is provided free for the first mark out.  SDG&在你们开始工作之前,E将派人去标记地下天然气和电力设施, helping you to plan a safe project.  For detailed DigAlert information go to http://digalert.org/calaw-full