
Latest News & Update

Respondents are encouraged to check this Request for Offers (RFO or the solicitation) Website periodically for updates, notices, and postings. SDG&E, at its sole discretion, 根据CPUC的命令, may change the terms, 本次招标的要求和时间表. Respondents should monitor the RFO Website for announcements regarding any updates or changes including posted questions & answers. SDG&E将张贴所有征集公告, 包括对本网站的时间表更改或《全球十大博彩公司评级》修订. In particular, participants should check the RFO website for (i) details on the pre-bid conference call and (ii) posting of answers to submitted questions.

  • 2020年2月26日-开始征集!
  • 2020年3月5日-招标时间延长
  • 2020年3月16日-投标人会议改期(2020年3月20日)
  • 3/20/2020 – Bidder’s Conference slides now available


In accordance with Decision (D.)18-06-027, D.18-10-007, and Resolution E-4999 由加州公用事业委员会(CPUC或委员会)发布,全球知名十大博彩公司 & Electric Company (SDG&E) is issuing this Community Solar Green Tariff (“CSGT”) Request for Offers (RFO or the solicitation) seeking contracts with solar generating facilities that produce Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS)-eligible energy for the purpose of implementing its CSGT program.

Pub. Util. Code § 2827.1 required the Commission to develop specific alternatives designed to increase adoption of renewable generation in disadvantaged communities (DACs). 

The CSGT program is intended to provide low-income households located in a census tract that is in the top 25% statewide disadvantaged communities or in the highest 5% of CalEnviroScreen’s Pollution Burden that do not have a CalEnviroScreen Score, as well as contain a border that is within 5 miles of a designated CSGT renewable generating facility, to meet 100% of residential electric needs through local renewable generation and receive a 20% bill discount from their current electric rate. 社区赞助商也可以获得项目发电能力的25%.

本次招标不要求对上网电价项目(如.g. Re-MAT, Bio-MAT), BioRAM, EcoChoice, 目前存在或正在考虑的DAC-GT或其他RPS采购活动.

Overall, SDG&E’s CSGT program is designed to ensure sufficient eligible capacity is available to meet customer demand of up to 5 MW. SDG&E正在征集被归类为合格可再生资源的CSGT项目. 项目必须位于可持续发展目标范围内&E’s service territory, as well as within a top 25% of disadvantaged communities or in the highest 5% of CalEnviroScreen’s Pollution Burden that do not have a CalEnviroScreen Score. 为了CSGT的目的,DAC是通过使用CalEnviroScreen 3来识别的社区.0, 位列全州前25%的社区, as well as census tracts in the highest 5% of CalEnviroScreen’s Pollution Burden that do not have a CalEnviroScreen Score. CalEnviroScreen identifies California communities that are most effected by and vulnerable to sources of pollution.

Solicitation Protocols

Details regarding the solicitation process and eligibility requirements are provided in the RFO document below.

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Required Forms and Documents

  • Offer Form -可提交的表格数目没有限制. Therefore, respondents are encouraged, but not required, 提交其他较短租期或有自动扶梯的报价供我们考虑.
  • Interconnection Agreement or Phase II Interconnection Study (or distribution level equivalent) and / or Fast Track Documentation -提交最近完成的互连协议副本, 第二阶段互连研究或同等快速通道文件. For Projects located in Imperial Valley and dynamically transferred via pseudo-tie into SDG&E的服务区域由CAISO, submit copies of a completed Phase II interconnection study and provide documentation certifying the existence of the dynamic transfer arrangements.
  • Site Control Documentation - Submit copies of site control documents demonstrating: a) direct ownership; b) a lease; or c) an option to lease or purchase upon PPA approval (must be an exclusive option to the Bidder that will last until the completion of the RFO cycle).
  • Site Maps - Submit copies of all project maps showing location, facilities, layout, Interconnection, etc. 项目单线图.
  • Resource Report -请提交可核实的燃料资源计划
  • Full PVSyst Model (Solar Only) - the full PVSyst file must be submitted by exporting the entire project that contains the prj, met, inv, pan, etc. files.

Reference Forms and Documents

本次招标采用不可修改的购电协议(PPA)结构. These documents are pre-approved by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and may not be changed by either SDG&E or the winning bidder(s). 只有空白处可以填写项目的具体信息. 所有答复者应仅根据这些协议的条款提交投标.

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CSGT Power Purchase Agreement
CSGT Power Purchase Agreement

RFO Response Instructions

答辩人必须通过PowerAdvocate®以电子方式提交其报价, 并随附所需表格及投标资料. 所有优惠必须不迟于以下日期上传至PowerAdvocate® 12:00 p.m. (i.e. 2020年4月10日(中午),太平洋标准时间. Offerors intending to submit an Offer but who do not yet have an existing account must first register to create a username/password to receive access to the event. PowerAdvocate®征集网站可在以下网址访问:


RFO Communication

All questions or other communications regarding this RFO should be submitted via e-mail to [email protected]. 在任何一种情况下,你必须抄送独立评价者哈罗德·贾德 [email protected].

SDG&E will not accept questions or comments in any other form, except at the bidder’s Conference. Question submitted after the deadline as specified in RFO Schedule will only be answered at the sole discretion of SDG&E or the IE. All questions and their answers will be posted publicly on this website anonymously soon after receipt. 我们不能直接回应或保密任何问题. Respondents are encouraged to check this RFO Website periodically for updates, notices, and postings.

Bidder’s Conference

SDG&E将通过网络会议召开一次投标人会议. Participation in the conference call is not mandatory for those ultimately submitting a proposal.

When: 3/20/2020
Time: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM PDT


Join Skype Meeting

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Join by phone

收费电话:+1 (858)284-1506,,607725987

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Conference ID: 607725987#

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Spring 2020 CSGT Schedule

以下时间表和截止日期适用于本RFO. SDG&E保留在SDG中随时修改此时间表的权利&E’s sole discretion. Respondents are responsible for monitoring the RFO Website for updated schedules and possible amendments to the RFO or the solicitation process. 有关详细的时间表,请参阅每种产品类型的协议.





RFO Issued

February 26, 2020


Bidder’s Conference; 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM, PDT

March 20, 2020



March 27, 2020


所有问题的答案将发布在可持续发展目标上&E’s website

April 3, 2020


优惠必须在下午12点之前上传到PowerAdvocate®.M. (i.e. NOON) Pacific Daylight Time

April 10, 2020



May 2020


SDG&E鼓励多元化企业(" DBEs "), “Women-Owned Businesses” or “Minority-Owned Businesses” or “Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises” as defined in G.O. 156[1],以参与此全源RFO.

Furthermore, SDG&E encourages developers to utilize DBEs during various stages of project development and construction. As a part of G.O. 156, SDG&E will require developers to identify and verify their DBE contractor/subcontractor spending if any.

Additional information on SDG&E的DBE计划和使用DBE可以在以下网址找到:


SDG&E’s DBE Program representatives will provide a presentation during the bidders’ outreach event. 各发展机构可通过联系可持续发展目标要求获得更多信息&E at [email protected].

Frequently Asked Questions

• N/A