

Joint Portfolio Administrator Tier 2 Advice Letter to Comply with Ordering Paragraph 11 of Decision 23-06-055


西班牙&E 能源效率计划 Annual Report 2023 Documents


西班牙&E 能源效率计划 Budget Filing Documents (2024-2027)


西班牙&E 能源效率计划 Annual Report 2022 Documents


西班牙&E 能源效率计划 Annual Report 2021 Documents

可持续发展目标的应用&E (U 902-M) to Adopt 2024-2031 Energy Efficiency Rolling Portfolio Business Plan Pursuant To D.21-05-031

西班牙&E 2022-2023 Biennial Energy Efficiency Program and Portfolio Budget Request Advice Letter (BBAL) Appendices

DG&E 能源效率计划 Annual Report 2020 Results

2018 and 2019 Energy Efficiency Savings Incentive

西班牙&E 2021 Annual Energy Program and Portfolio Budget Advice Letter (ABAL) Appendices

Energy Efficiency Third-Party Solicitation Process Semi-Annual Independent Evaluator 报告 (Public Versions)

西班牙&E 能源效率计划 Annual Report 2019 Results

西班牙&E 2020 Annual Energy Program and Portfolio Budget Advice Letter (ABAL) Appendices

2017 and 2018 Energy Efficiency Savings Incentive

附件A -可持续发展目标&E 2019 ESPI 2017 and 2018 索赔

西班牙&E 2019 Annual Energy Program and Portfolio Budget Advice Letter (ABAL) Appendices

西班牙&E Updated Set of Final Metrics

Updated Solicitation Schedule In Compliance of D.18-01-004" 第7段

决定18-01-004, 第7段, directs the utilities to post an up-to-date schedule of planned Energy Efficiency third party solicitations.

Pacific Gas and 电力公司, 圣地亚哥天然气 & 电力公司, Southern California Edison Company, and Southern California Gas Company shall, within 60 days of the date of this decision, and again after the issuance of a Commission decision on their business plans, 之后定期加上, post an up-to-date schedule of planned third party solicitations on their own web sites as well as the proposal evaluation and proposal management application web site. The updated schedules shall also be made available periodically to the California Energy Efficiency Coordinating Council.

有关可持续发展目标的资料&E’s EE Solicitation Process and the Consolidated IOU Solicitation Schedule is available at:


2015 and 2016 Energy Efficiency Savings Incentives

Attachment A to Advice Letter 3109-E/2606-G: Request of 西班牙&E for its 2015 and 2016 Energy Efficiency Savings Incentives in Compliance with Decisions 13-09-023 and 17-03-003 

2015 Energy Efficiency Program Portfolio Changes 

圣地亚哥天然气 & 电力公司(u 902米) 2015 Energy Efficiency Program Portfolio Changes Pursuant to the Assigned Commissioner’s Ruling and Scoping Memorandum Regarding 2015 Portfolios (Phase 1 of Rulemaking 13-11-005)

Pilot 融资 项目 Notice

西班牙&E has requested approval from the California Public Utilities Commission for two pilot financing programs. The proposed Energy Efficiency Eligible Measures are listed below.

    1.   单户贷款计划

    2.   Off-Bill Small Business Lease Providers Pilot

西班牙&E Energy Efficiency Program Reporting

西班牙&E’s Energy Efficiency Program 报告 can be found on the California Energy Efficiency Statistics webpage hosted by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). This site allows public access to CPUC Energy Efficiency Program documents and information including:

  • Energy Efficiency Program Implementation Plans
  • Monthly, Quarterly, and Annual 报告
  • California 能源效率计划 news and announcements

The link is the same for all reports below. On the Energy Efficiency Statistics webpage, select the appropriate drop downs with the report category and report options you are interested in. You can then review or download your selected report.

Program Cycle 2010-12: Energy Efficiency 报告

2010-12 Fund Shifting 报告
2010-12 Program Implementation Plans (PIP)

Program Cycle 2006-08 (includes 2009): Energy Efficiency 报告

2006-08 Program Implementation Plans (PIP) and Quarterly Narratives for Energy Efficiency (EE) 项目 报告

Program Cycle 2004-05: Energy Efficiency 报告



2006 Annual 报告 (Demand-Side Management, 低收入者的能源效率, Energy Efficiency and Demand Response)

Annual Earnings Assessment Proceeding (AEAP) Program Year -- 2004

Energy Efficiency Annual Report 2009 Results

Annual Earnings Assessment Proceeding (AEAP) Program Year -- 2008

Annual Earnings Assessment Proceeding (AEAP) Program Year -- 2007

西班牙&E Energy  Efficiency 项目 Annual Report 2017 Results

西班牙&E Energy  Efficiency 项目 Annual Report 2018 Results