Fall 2021 社区 太阳能 Green Tariff Shared Renewables

最新消息 & 更新

Respondents are encouraged to check this Request for Offers (RFO or the solicitation) Website periodically for updates, 通知, 和帖子. 西班牙&E, 自行决定, pursuant to orders from the CPUC, 可能会更改条款, requirements 和 schedule of this solicitation. Respondents should monitor the RFO Website for announcements regarding any updates or changes including posted questions & 答案. 西班牙&E will post all solicitation announcements, including scheduling changes or RFO amendments to this website. 特别是, partici锅ts should check the RFO website for (i) details on the pre-bid conference call 和 (ii) posting of 答案 to submitted questions.

• 8/20/2021 – Solicitation launched!

西班牙&E’s Fall 2021 RFO Seeking 社区 太阳能 Green Tariff Shared Renewable Program Power Purchase Agreements

根据(D)号决定.)18-06-027, D.18-10-007, 和 Resolution E-4999 issued by the California 酒吧lic 跑龙套ities Commission (CPUC or Commission), 圣地亚哥天然气 & 电力公司(可持续发展目标&E) is issuing this 社区 太阳能 Green Tariff (“CSGT”) Request for Offers (RFO or the solicitation) seeking contracts with solar generating facilities that produce Renewable Portfolio St和ard (RPS)-eligible energy for the purpose of implementing its CSGT program.

酒吧. 跑龙套. 法典第2827条.1 required the Commission to develop specific alternatives designed to increase adoption of renewable generation in disadvantaged communities (DACs).

The CSGT program is intended to provide low-income households located in a census tract that is in the top 25% statewide disadvantaged communities or in the highest 5% of CalEnviroScreen’s Pollution Burden that do not have a CalEnviroScreen Score, as well as contain a border that is within 5 miles of a designated CSGT renewable generating facility, to meet 100% of residential electric needs through local renewable generation 和 receive a 20% bill discount from their current electric rate. 社区 sponsors can also receive up to 25% of the project’s generation capacity.

This solicitation is not requesting bids for feed-in-tariff projects (e.g. Re-MAT, Bio-MAT), BioRAM, EcoChoice, Disadvantaged 社区 Green Tariff or other RPS procurement activities that currently exist or are being contemplated.

总的来说,西班牙&E’s CSGT program is designed to ensure sufficient eligible capacity is available to meet customer dem和 of up to 5 MW. 西班牙&E is soliciting CSGT projects that are classified as eligible renewable resources. Projects must be located within 西班牙&E的服务区域, as well as within a top 25% of disadvantaged communities or in the highest 5% of CalEnviroScreen’s Pollution Burden that do not have a CalEnviroScreen Score. For purposes of CSGT, a DAC is a community that is identified, by using CalEnviroScreen 3.0, as among the top 25% of communities statewide, as well as census tracts in the highest 5% of CalEnviroScreen’s Pollution Burden that do not have a CalEnviroScreen Score. CalEnviroScreen identifies California communities that are most effected by 和 vulnerable to sources of pollution.


Details regarding the solicitation process 和 eligibility requirements are provided in the RFO document below.

CSGT Solicitation Protocol Document

2021 CSGT Solicitation Protocols 


  • CSGT录取表格 -  There is no limit on the number of Forms that can be submitted. 因此, 鼓励受访者, 但不是必需的, to submit additional offers for our consideration with shorter tenors or with escalators.
  • Interconnection Agreement or Phase II Interconnection Study (or distribution level equivalent) 和 / or Fast Track Documentation - Submit a copy of the most recent completed interconnection agreement, Phase II interconnection study or equivalent Fast Track documentation.  For Projects located in Imperial Valley 和 dynamically transferred via pseudo-tie into 西班牙&E's service territory by the CAISO, submit copies of a completed Phase II interconnection study 和 provide documentation certifying the existence of the dynamic transfer arrangements.
  • 现场控制文件 - Submit copies of site control documents demonstrating: a) direct ownership; b) a lease; or c) an option to lease or purchase upon PPA approval (must be an exclusive option to the Bidder that will last until the completion of the RFO cycle).
  • 站点地图 - Submit copies of all project maps showing location, facilities, layout, Interconnection, 等. 和 the Project single line diagram.
  • 资源报告 - please submit a verifiable fuel resource plan
  • 全pv系统模型(仅限太阳能) - the full PVSyst file must be submitted by exporting the entire project that contains the prj, 见过, 发票, 锅, 等. 文件.


This solicitation employs a non-modifiable Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) structure. These documents are pre-approved by the California 酒吧lic 跑龙套ities Commission (CPUC) 和 may not be changed by either 西班牙&E或中标人. Only the blanks may be filled in with project specific information. All respondents should submit bids per the terms of these agreements only.


A Respondent must submit their offer electronically via PowerAdvocate® 和 attach all required forms 和 bid materials to the offer.  All offers must be uploaded to PowerAdvocate® no later than 12:00 p.m. (i.e. Noon), Pacific St和ard Time, on 2021年10月1日.  Offerors intending to submit an Offer but who do not yet have an existing account must first register to create a username/password to receive access to the event. The PowerAdvocate® solicitation website can be accessed at:

http://www.poweradvocate.com/pR.do?好= 118222&pub事件 = true


All questions or other communications regarding this RFO should be submitted via e-mail to (电子邮件保护).  无论哪种情况,你 必须 CC the Independent Evaluator, Harold Judd (电子邮件保护)雪莉,Vincent-Crisp (电子邮件保护). 

西班牙&E will not accept questions or comments in any other form.  Question submitted after the deadline as specified in RFO Schedule will only be answered at the sole discretion of 西班牙&E或IE.  All questions 和 their 答案 will be posted publicly on this website anonymously soon after receipt.  We cannot respond directly to or confidentially to any questions.  Respondents are encouraged to check this RFO Website periodically for updates, 通知, 和帖子.

西班牙&E will publish a solicitation summary document to help ensure partici锅ts have access to detailed program information.  

西班牙&E's Fall 2021 CSGT Solicitation Summary 


The following schedule 和 deadlines apply to this RFO.  西班牙&E reserves the right to revise this schedule at any time 和 in 西班牙&E自行决定.  Respondents are responsible for monitoring the RFO Website for updated schedules 和 possible amendments to the RFO or the solicitation process.  For a detailed schedule, please see the protocols for each product type.











Answers to all Questions will be posted on 西班牙&E的网站



报价不迟于 12点PPT 在这一天



西班牙&E Notifies Offerors of selection



西班牙&E issues appreciation 通知  to unsuccessful Respondents






西班牙&E submits Tier 2 Advice Letter with PPAs to CPUC for approval



Anticipated CPUC approval (prior to any appeal 和/or suspension)

Q2 2022

Participation from Diverse Business Enterprises

西班牙&E encourages Diverse Business Enterprises (“DBEs”), “Women-Owned 企业” or “Minority-Owned 企业” or “Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises” as defined in G.O. 156[1], to participate in this All Source RFO. 

此外,西班牙&E encourages developers to utilize DBEs during various stages of project development 和 construction. 作为G的一部分.O. 156年,西班牙&E will require developers to identify 和 verify their DBE contractor/subcontractor spending if any.

关于可持续发展目标的更多信息&E’s DBE program 和 utilizing DBEs can be found at:



西班牙&E’s DBE Program representatives will provide a presentation during the bidders’ outreach event.  DBEs can request additional information by contacting 西班牙&E在 (电子邮件保护).


  • N/A